Monterey Bay 1

Checking out Monterey Bay and the aquarium with Jakob and Anja

På opdagelse i Monterey Bay og akvariet sammen med Jakob og Anja

Art glass window in diner Monterey Bay

Swimming against the stream

Jellyfish at the aquarium

Monica at the aquarium

The Outer Bay tank

The Outer Bay tank

The Outer Bay tank

The Outer Bay tank

The Outer Bay tank

The Outer Bay tank

At the aquarium; Beth, Anja; fuzzy

Flamingo exhibit

Flamingo exhibit

Flamingo exhibit

Flamingo exhibit; fuzzy

Flamingo exhibit; fuzzy

Flamingo exhibit; fuzzy

Flamingo exhibit; fuzzy

Anja and Jakob looking at the Outer Bay tank

Anja and Jakob looking at the Outer Bay tank

Anja and Jakob looking at the Outer Bay tank, taking pictures

Jakob looking at sea horses, taking a picture

Jakob looking at sea horses

Made with JAlbum 7.1
Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)